TransTech Alternative Fuel Systems, a division of TransTech Energy, is pleased to announce several new EPA Certifications of its bi-fuel propane autogas conversion system for many 2009, 2010 and 2011 Ford Light and Medium Duty Vehicles. Icom North America, the patent holder and leading manufacturer of liquid propane injection vehicle technology, announce this week that they received final approvals and certificates for several vehicles that had been in the EPA testing and certification program for much of 2011. The certs and approvals are primarily for 2009, 2010 and 2011 Ford 4.6L and 5.4L Light duty work trucks. Approval for other Ford 4.6L passenger sedans are expected any day and other vehicle from Dodge and GM are in EPA technology verification process or scheduled to enter EPA testing in the near future, rounding a out a very busy and successful year for Icom's EPA Certification program for their bi-fuel propane autogas technology.
Britt Medley, president of TransTech Energy, noted "I am excited to progress from Icom on their EPA Certification program. This is a very time consuming and costly investment for Icom, but it demonstrates their commitment to their partners and the propane autogas market as a whole. Icom is hands down the leader in automotive propane innovation and combined with TransTech's vehicle customization and integration providing an OEM fit and functionality to autogas alternative fuel conversions and these most recent EPA Certs, we anticipate considerable growth in our Alternative Fuel Division."
Icom now has EPA Certs in Ford's 4.6, 5.4 and 6.8L engine classes and unlike many of its competitors, these Certs are for newer model year vehicles, allowing fleets to get more useful life and ROI from their engine conversions. David Kennedy, Director of Alternative Fuel at TransTech, added, "EPA Certification is a very important piece to our puzzle, many fleets we have been working with have aknowledged that they prefer Icom's liquid propane technology and the fact the system uses the factory ECU and factory fuel mapping, not requiring an additional vehicle computer or tuning, but the lack of EPA Certs was a draw back. We knew they were coming, it was just a matter or going through the EPA process, which takes time. With all of the obvious benefits of liquid injection technology and the EPA Certs to support it, I think we are well positioned with our product offering. You can expect more EPA Certs to come and also expect much more from TransTech to support the propane autogas demand from our partners and fleet customers."
To learn more about TransTech Energy's Alternative Fuel Systems division or about propane autogas conversions and fueling infrastruture, visit .